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پیوست الف :کد نوشتهشده در نرمافزار GAMS برای حالت قطعی (CSAHLP)
*execseed = gday(jnow)*gminute(jnow)*gsecond(jnow)*gmillisec(jnow);
n ‘Set of flows and distances between the cities’ /1*37/
Chi ‘Collection cost per unit of flow and unit of distance’ /1/
Delta ‘Distribution cost per unit of flow and unit of distance’ /1/
Alpha ‘Transfer cost per unit of flow and per unit of distance between hubs’ /0.4/
$include IAD parameters
f(k) ‘Fixed set-up cost for installing a hub at node n’
O(i) ‘Total flow originated at node i’
D(i) ‘Total flow destined to node i’
C(k) ‘Capacity of each node’
O(i) = sum(k, w(i,k;((
D(i) = sum(k, w(k,i;((
تخصیص ساده و چندگانهی ظرفیت محدود مسئلهی مکانیابی محور مبتنی ...