Units: bird
(۰۲۳) Chicken price= Chicken product cost*(The rate of chicken demand to production)
Units: toman
(۰۲۴) Chicken product cost= Incubation cost+ (0.576*Grain price)+ (Energy cost/6.18)+(Breeder chicken price/130)+(Other costs/6.18)
Units: toman
(۰۲۵) Chicken profit=(Chicken price-Chicken product cost)
Units: toman
(۰۲۶) Chiken profit=Chicken*Chicken profit
Units: toman
(۰۲۷) Concentrate price = WITH LOOKUP (Time, ([(0,0)-(85,8000)],(0,1372), (1,1675), (2,1671), (3,1844), (4,1711), (5,1708), (6,1713), (7,1688), (8,1654), (9,1652), (10,1644), (11,1699), (12,1694), (13,1707), (14,1739), (15,1759), (16,1750), (17,1807), (18,1810), (19,1793), (20,1792), (21,1756), (22,1788), (23,1874), (24,1835), (25,1881), (26,1843), (27,1820), (28,1822), (29,1827), (30,1810), (31,1811), (32,1830), (33,1833), (34,1830), (35,1830), (36,1842), (37,1886), (38,1886), (39,1900), (40,1891), (41,1921), (42,1894), (43,1946), (44,1951), (45,1921), (46,1975), (47,1962), (48,1980), (49,1996), (50,2078), (51,2190), (52,2207), (53,2360), (54,2447), (55,3836), (56,4350), (57,4601), (58,5154), (59,5159), (60,5200), (61,5218), (62,5350), (63,5379), (64,5489), (65,5415), (85,6100) ))
Units: toman
(۰۲۸) Consumer price index([(-1,0)-(85,600)],(-1,58.8), (0,60.6), (1,61.6), (2,63), (3,63.3), (4,64.5), (5,67), (6,68.1), (7,68.6), (8,69.5), (9,69.2), (10,68.9), (11,69.2), (12,70), (13,70.9), (14,72.1), (15,72.2), (16,72.9), (17,73.2), (18,73.3), (19,73.7), (20,74.6), (21,74.6), (22,75.1), (23,76.5), (24,77.2), (25,77.5), (26,78.1), (27,78.9), (28,79.9), (29,80.5), (30,82), (31,82.9), (32,84.2), (33,86.4), (34,88.6), (35,91.6), (36,93.1), (37,94.5), (38,95.7), (39,96), (40,96.9), (41,98.6), (42,99.8), (43,101.3), (44,102.8), (45,104.1), (46,106.9), (47,110.4), (48,112.9), (49,115.5), (50,116.7), (51,119.2), (52,121.4), (53,124.7), (54,130.8), (55,136.8), (56,140), (57,142.5), (58,150.1), (59,155.9), (60,160.5), (61,163.7), (62,169.3), (63,171.7), (64,173.7), (65,176.6), (66,183.4), (67,186.7), (68,190.8), (69,193.8), (70,196.9), (71,199), (72,203), (73,206.2), (74,209.2), (75,212.3), (76,216.4), (77,219.5), (78,222.6), (79,225.6), (80,229.7), (81,233.8), (82,236.9), (83,239), (84,242), (85,246))
(۰۲۹) Consumption= Feeding*wastage rate
Units: kg
(۰۳۰) Consumption grain= (FCR*Live weight)/1000
Units: ton/Month
(۰۳۱) Corn consumption= 0.58*Monthly grain consumption
Units: ton/Month
(۰۳۲) Corn import = WITH LOOKUP (Time, ([(-8,0)-(85,600000)],(-6.5,223600), (5.5,283100), (17.5,321200), (29.5,327800), (41.5,277000), (53.5,409900), (63,434211), (85,465789) ))
Units: ton/Month
(۰۳۳) Corn inventory= INTEG (Corn import+Corn production-Corn consumption, 400000)
Units: ton
(۰۳۴) Corn price= INTEG (Corn price change, 340)
Units: toman
(۰۳۵) Corn price change= (Corn price F*(1+world corn price change)* (IF THEN ELSE (Time>63, Percent of change, 1+Inflation rate))*Corn price)-Corn price
Units: toman/Month
(۰۳۶) Corn price F = WITH LOOKUP (The rate of corn demand to inventory, ([(0,0)-(2,2)],(0,0.9), (1,1), (2,1.1) ))
(۰۳۷) Corn production = WITH LOOKUP (Time, ([(-8,0)-(85,400000)],(-6.5,130000), (5.5,140000), (17.5,150000), (29.5,164583), (41.5,194583), (53.5,195833), (63,200877), (85,210526) ))
Units: ton/Month
(۰۳۸) Cost of BM production= (FCR*(1+(Percent pellet*0.5))*Grain price)+Energy cost+(Chicken price/Weight average live)+Other costs
Units: toman
(۰۳۹) DEALAY FIXED laying= DELAY FIXED (Laying, 4,330000)
Units: bird
(۰۴۰) Delete= DEALAY FIXED laying+IF THEN ELSE (Chicken profit<0,0.8 *Laying molters-DEALAY FIXED laying, 0)
Units: bird
(۰۴۱) Emergency delete= IF THEN ELSE (SMOOTH (Chicken profit,4)<0,0.001*Laying Breeder inventory,0)
Units: bird
(۰۴۲) Energy cost= Energy price*Montly consumption patern*(1-0.5*Optima percent)
Units: toman/bird
(۰۴۳) Energy price = WITH LOOKUP
Units: toman
(۰۴۴) Export chick= IF THEN ELSE (Chicken>Growth, Chicken-Growth,0)
Units: bird
(۰۴۵) FCR=DELAY1i (Consumption/Weight average live, 0.3333, 2.14)
(۰۴۶) Feeding= ((1-(1.87*Percent pellet))*Initial feeding+ (1.87*Percent pellet*Standard feeding))
(۰۴۷) FINAL TIME = 85/Units: Month/ The final time for the simulation.
(۰۴۸) Fresh BM price= 1.52*Live BM price
Units: toman/kg
(۰۴۹) Fridge inventory= INTEG (BM freezing+Frozen BM import-Frozen BM consumption, 120000)
Units: ton
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